Thursday, October 25, 2007

Life goes on

Finally I am back. The move is over albeit there are still boxes to be unpacked in every room. It seems that moving always results in at least one or more loss and right now I can't find my cell phone charger. However, it could be worse--last week the cell phone itself was lost.

I have finished three of the prayer shawls I was working on. Pictures will be later as I'm having trouble posting them. All three were very easy, although the bluegreen was very time consuming as it is a tighter weave and about 5' by 3'. Tonight I will take them to the Craft ministry.

One of the results of the move is that I want to get rid of a lot. I went through all my yarn last night and I am simply tired of packing the same old boxes of the same old yarn. I think the Salvation Army would be a good place for a lot of it.

I moved from an upstairs apartment 1-bedroom apartment to the 2-bedroom right below it. One of the reasons I moved is the stairs are so steep, also, my parking space for the downstairs apartment is right outside my front door!! Life doesn't get much better than that.

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