Saturday, December 13, 2008

Knitting difficulty

I tried a pattern in the Vogue Magazine that was intriguing. However, as with any pattern, there are always modifications. The yarn I used, although the right weight and gauge, was too heavy for the pattern and will not drape as nicely as a softer yarn would(see above).

It is always difficult for a new knitter to determine if a pattern is going to be within their skill level. The Vogue magazine has a temperature-type gauge that helps a knitter decide if a pattern is going to be within their grasp. Over the years, I have developed a system of my own:

Beginner: Television on, comfortable chair, visiting with others. No Post-it necessary.
Intermediate: Television on, comfortable chair, Post-it following pattern rows, no other distractions.
Experienced: Television off, sit at table with more than one Post-it on pattern and row, no one else in room.

The above pattern was for experienced knitters, in fact I had to start it three times before I could get beyond the first four rows. Remember regardless of your level of knitting, there will always be patterns that will test your experience and patience.

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